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Express yourself with colours
German quality
For more than 165 years

STABILO Pen 68 brush

Greater flexibility for your creativity

flexible Pinselspitze

Die Strichstärke des STABILO Pen 68 brush lässt sich durch die einfache Anpassung des Drucks variieren. So bringen auch Neueinsteiger ohne langes Üben dynamische Linien aufs Blatt.

geeignet für Anfänger

Die flexible Pinselspitze macht den STABILO Pen 68 brush für Hobby-Künstler und Profis gleichermaßen interessant. Er erleichtert vor allem Anfängern das Erlernen der angesagten Brush-Lettering-Technik.

tolle Aquarelleffekte

Mit dem STABILO Pen 68 brush bringen sie ihre Kunstwerke noch einfacher und schöner aufs Papier. Seien es Colorblendings mit stufenlosen Farbverläufen oder trendige Aquarelleffekte: Dank der wasserbasierten Tinte lassen sich anspruchsvolle Kreativ-Techniken effektiv und gezielt in Szene setzen.

ideal für DIY-Anwendungen

Der STABILO Pen 68 brush ist nicht nur ein tolles Geschenk für Hobby-Künstler, sondern ebenso perfekt für die Gestaltung von Geschenkanhängern und anderen selbstgemachten Werken geeignet.

Ideal for DIY applications

The STABILO Pen 68 brush is not only a great gift for hobby artists, but equally perfect for creating gift tags and other homemade works.
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Pen 68 brush in action!

Watch the video to see what you can conjure up on paper with the Pen 68 brush. You can find many more videos under Creativity & Inspiration.
Greater flexibility for your creativity: Pen 68 with flexible brush tip.
With the STABILO Pen 68 brush, both beginners and advanced artists can do brush lettering. Simply vary the pressure on the tip to determine how thick or thin the line will be. In 30 exciting colours. Ideal for great creative techniques such as colour progressions or watercolour effects. That brings excitement to do-it-yourself projects and personal design. The brilliant, lush results feature great coverage and you’ll be proud to show them off! At STABILO, we rely on more than 50 years of experience.

The Premium felt-tip pen STABILO Pen 68 brush with a flexible brush tip in a cardboard wallet with 24 colours. You can find a list of colour names and colour numbers under Properties.

  • The pen for creative moments: the Pen 68 brush and its flexible brush tip are all you need to be creative!
  • Perfect motivation for brush lettering beginners because you quickly get a feel for the pressure you need to vary the line thickness – immediate success guaranteed!
  • Ideal for advanced artists because they can use the Pen 68 brush to apply a wide variety of creative techniques with it – the ideal tool for brush and hand lettering, journaling, comics and much more
  • Dazzling artworks make everyone smile, thanks to the great colour and coverage
  • Practical: Because they use the same water-based ink, the Pen 68 and Pen 68 brush colours match perfectly for 1001 creative options
  • Achieve special effects with water-based ink by applying colour blending and watercolour techniques while the ink is still wet.
  • Tip: thanks to the water-based ink, you can create impressive and magical watercolour effects with a brush and a little water. The results depend on the colour and paper selected. For the best effects, use watercolour paper
  • Colour blending gives each artwork a special touch: simply hold the tips of two pens next to each other to create unique colour progressions
  • A perfect match for combined creative projects: the inks of the Pen 68 brush colours are identical with those of Pen 68 and point 88 standard colours, corresponding with them exactly
  • Developed by and together with fans - made to meet creative needs

Age Group:

3 - 99

Article Number:




Colour Description:

dark ochre (89), lilac (58), orange (54), dark blue (41), turquoise blue (51), violet (55), apricot (26), carmine (48), yellow (44), leaf green (43), medium cold grey (95), purple (19), dark red (50), light green (33), Prussian blue (22)



Ergonomic Product:




Line Width:

max. 4 mm



Ventilated Cap:


Visible On Dark Surfaces:


Warning_Small parts that can be swallowed:

Warning! Small parts. Not suitable for children under 3 years.


not washable

Water Resistant:


Warning! Small parts. Not suitable for children under 3 years.

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